Time Stretched Thin
You’re handed a light that becomes your brush, and the dark space in front of you is your canvas. Participants stand in front of a camera, and as their images are captured, a slit scan algorithm dynamically stretches and compresses their movements over time, creating a fluid and ever-changing tapestry of light and motion that is projected onto a large screen for all to see. As you move, your actions are stretched into bright, flowing ribbons on a large screen. It’s like dance and painting at the same time, but the paint is time itself.
“Time Stretched Thin” is about connecting with the moment and seeing time in a playful yet thought-provoking ways. This piece isn’t just to be seen—it’s to be experienced, leaving participants with a sense of wonder and a new perspective on the fleeting moments we share.
- GLEAM, Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI. Fall 2024